Perth Neurophysiology
Unfortunately, Dr Silbert is no longer able to accept new patient referrals for clinical consultations due to workload.
He continues to perform EMG (nerve conduction) and EEG testing, and injections for hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating), and hemifacial spasm / blepharospasm (facial twitching / blinking).
Perth Neurophysiology provides high quality diagnostic EMG and EEG services, and medical, PBS approved and clinically proven muscle relaxant injections.
Your EMG will be performed and reported by Dr Peter Silbert.
Your EEG will be performed by a hospital trained technician and reported by Dr Peter Silbert.
Following the test, the results will be interpreted by Dr Silbert and reported back to your referring doctor who will incorporate the results in to your clinical management.
Dr Silbert has completed advanced training in Neurophysiology at the Mayo clinic (Rochester Minnesota USA – post graduate subspecialty trained).

Muscle relaxant injections are performed for medically approved conditions such as blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm, hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating).